Myobrace therapy
During the process of myobrace therapy patient gets personal exercise program. The exercises are created to develop the muscles and the functions of lips, tongue, chewing and face. By the help of therapy irregularly developed habit (eg, tongue at the bottom of the mouth), is encouraged to re-form (eg: tongue at the palate during rest).
The treatment takes one year. During first two months visits must be taken every second week, on other 4 months visits must be taken every 2-3 weeks. The rest of the visits are taken once per month.
Myobrace therapy applies to both, children (5-6 years, because a child should already understand what must be done, and to be able to do the exercises), and adults.
The main problems when patient should address to the specialist of the myobrace therapy are:
- Breathing through the mouth;
- Non – closed lips in a state of rest;
- Irregular tongue resting position;
- Short tongue scroll;
- Short lip leash;
- Atypical swallowing (swallowing is difficult, additional muscles are involved in this action);
- Chewing disorders;
- Facial musculoskeletal disorders;
- Weak chewing muscles;
- Anomalous speaking;
- Lumbar disorder;
- Sleeping disorders;
- Teeth grinding
A specialist of myobrace therapy can also help children with harmful habits that affect the entire system of the jaws, such as thumb, blanket or dummy sucking, and nail biting.
The Hemolymphatic Drainage Face Massage
The rehabilitation after surgical interventions in the jaw should begin with hemolymphatic drainage face massage. It is a unique technique distinguished from classical lymph drainage by the fact that it has many massage techniques that simulate muscle contraction and pulsation of blood vessels, as well as specific effects not only on the lymphatic but also on the venous system.
The effect of hemolymphatic drainage massage:
- Immunity enhancement;
- Diuresis activation;
- Activation of removal of metabolic products from the body;
- Reducing patches and swaddling;
- Removal of tentacles in tissues and muscles;
- Activation of oxidative processes;
- Decrease of heart rate and arterial blood pressure.
It is noticed that patients, who had a course of hemolymphatic drainage massage after the surgery, felt better, it was much easier to undergo an early postoperative period, and swelling lasted for a shorter time, soft facial tissues were more relaxed, often avoided muscle contractures, and had faster recovery of normal movement amplitudes.
Electrical stimulation
Electrical stimulation is used to activate and strengthen the tissue function. It influences the affected nerves and muscles. Long-term muscle stimulation enhances its strength, tone and endurance. Contraction and relaxation of the muscle fibre promotes peripheral blood flow and metabolic processes.
Effect of electrical stimulation:
- Stimulates the nerves;
- Enhances muscle strength, tone and endurance;
- Improves tissue nutrition and metabolism;
- Dilates blood vessels;
- Suppresses swelling of nervous tissues;
- Strengthens the senses.
Thermal Therapy
It is used in rehabilitation for pain relief, increase elasticity of soft tissues, for improvement of blood circulation and promotion of tissue healing. These therapeutic effects are due to the fact that heat affects the body’s haemodynamic, neuro-muscular and metabolic processes.
The duration of the procedure can range from a few to several minutes. The patient has pleasant, gentle warmth.
The coordination and stabilisation of muscle strength and activity
Very often after the jaws’ surgeries or TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders) problems, there become disorders of jaws’ soft tissues – muscles. Muscle weakness appears, they can not perform their functions fully. There becomes an imbalance between both sides of the jaw; the muscles of the one side of jaw are weak, while others are stronger, tense, overwhelmed, because they try to compensate the work of the weaker side.
In this case, kinesiotherapy can help to restore the normal muscle function and strength of the jaw. Usage of the external force and resistance creates an isometric contraction of the muscle, the development of muscle strength and coordination.
The goal is that all muscles around the jaw should work in a coordinated manner and do not overloaded by other structures, such as joints.
The relaxation of facial, head and neck muscle trigger points
The massage of trigger point massage is a form of therapeutic massage in which all the pressure is applied to specific points in the sensitive muscle tissue in order to reduce muscle tension and pain.
The massage of the trigger points is suitable for almost everyone. Muscles with active trigger points are always weaker than normal muscles and can not move fully. Often, because they can not perform full functions, other muscles are forced to perform their actions. These secondary muscles may also trigger points if the main muscles are not treated.
Other muscles are forced to perform their actions, because they can not perform their full functions, These secondary muscles may also trigger points if the main muscles are not treated.
Discomfort may be felt during this procedure, but the kinesiotherapist will try to minimize the inconvenience as much as possible until the muscle relaxes completely. In most cases, home exercises should be performed to help to restore previous muscle functions faster.
The mobilization of the temporomandibular jaw joint
Mobilization – relaxes the joint capsule, stimulates synovial fluid, improves movement between the joints, and reduces pain.
The goals of mobilization:
- To reset the joint function into desired position;
- To return the amplitude of the movement;
- To reduce the pain;
Symptoms that may indicate the pathology of the temporomandibular jaw joint:
- Permanent pain which is not related to the movement of the jaw;
- Pain that doesn’t stop during rest time (it is harder at night than at the day);
- It is not clear where the pain spreads; it floats;
- Gradual deterioration;
- The drop-off of muscle strength and power;
- During jaw movements the other sounds are heard.
The techniques of neck muscle energy
MET (Muscle Energy Techniques) is a gentle, active manual therapy techniques used conservatively to treat spinal and limb pain syndromes and movement disorders. Applying this technique to the neck area the great results in relieving tension, pain in the neck, and throughout the body can apply. This technique helps to relax neck muscles and regain normal neck movements.